Project Overview
Craft Retailer
POS System Upgrade
6 Months
800+ stores
A national specialty retailer faced a formidable IT challenge. The retailer was upgrading to a new Point-of-Sale system in all of its 800-plus locations and could not have any disruption of service to the customer. The solution had to be implemented efficiently while minimizing costs.
The project was put out to bid; there were several pieces of specific criteria asked for by the customer. Bailiwick® was primarily chosen because they put together an implementation plan and process tailored to precisely meet the client’s objectives. Bailiwick’s experience and proven history of delivering on key initiatives in the past, as well as their asset management capacity, also factored into this selection.
Typically, an upgrade of this magnitude would take close to a year to complete. Bailiwick executed this upgrade flawlessly within six months.
Bailiwick orchestrated this success thanks to its vast experience with system-wide upgrades, its dedication to addressing customers’ needs, as well as its flexibility in scaling up to a project of this size.
Bailiwick believes that retailers attain their maximum potential only when their IT infrastructure runs as efficiently as possible.
Bailiwick used this guiding principle at each step of the process. It began with the determination that 842 retail locations would need their POS systems upgraded. Bailiwick also projected that the project would include shipping and configuring 4,353 registers and pin pads, and 1,684 servers.
These devices would need RAM and software upgrades in order to meet new software and security requirements. Because each location’s equipment had different existing technical specs, ensuring a uniform upgrade for each system was part of the challenge of this project.
To minimize cost impacts, the client preferred to not purchase new equipment for every site. Deinstalled hardware would be returned to Bailiwick for refurbishment before being rolled back out to another site.
By using replacement hardware instead of in-place reimaging, each site would have a backout plan during the installation process.
“Because each location’s equipment had different existing technical specs, ensuring a uniform upgrade for each system was part of the challenge of this project.”
The first, crucial step in this upgrade was running models to ensure the viability of the overall plan. Bailiwick’s Project Management Organization ran these models while factoring in the condensed time frame. The team was able to create a precise, complete approach to the upgrade. The engineering team produced a manual specifically for this project; it guided the upgrade’s execution.
Throughout the upgrade, Bailiwick was in live communication with the client through cloud- based tools. Strong communication was essential in addressing any issues that arose during the process and in managing each site’s “go-no-go” milestone at 7:30 a.m.
Bailiwick customized the execution model to meet the customer’s business requirements. Bailiwick’s efficient and detailed creation of the configuration and deployment schedule allowed the client to procure a minimal amount of new POS equipment seed stock to lower their total cost of the project. This required Bailiwick to swiftly turn incoming used equipment and process quickly through refurbishing, configuration and shipment to the site for installation. This was most important during peak volume implementation weeks. Without Bailiwick’s ability to listen to the client and adapt to this collaborative model, the upgrade would not have been the success it proved to be.

Project Details
Inventory Management
Connected to customer via VPN, allowing Bailiwick to join each device to the client’s domain during configuration, reducing time on-site when the device was installed.
Processed returned equipment and appropriately:
- Logged all returns
- Cleaned and upgraded RAM on PCs to be redeployed
- Evaluated returned assets and as needed, prepared them for disposal and remarketing
- Disposed of old servers and other old equipment with no value, per NAID Standards
Equipment Deployment
At each retail location, technicians removed existing register PCs and installed replacements, as well as new pin pads and servers.
Equipment Remarketing
Deinstalled equipment was boxed up and shipped to Bailiwick for processing. For equipment that still had value, Bailiwick was able to resell the equipment, delivering a healthy five-digit return to the customer.
Project Management
The project team performed daily status calls to review site specific issues and on-site technician readiness to ensure Bailiwick was meeting project timelines with minimal impact to the stores.
“Throughout the upgrade, Bailiwick was in live communication with the client through cloud- based tools, which were essential in addressing any issues that arose during the process.”
Keys to Success
Planning was implemented with maximum precision. Bailiwick’s project team engineered a forecast of inventory levels and processing capacity, ensuring that equipment would be available to meet established timeframes.
Vigorous technician training was conducted before the start of the project – Bailiwick personnel were prepared for any and all issues that arose during the process.
Cost-savings were significant, thanks to Bailiwick’s expedited turn around of existing hardware.
Live communication between Bailiwick and the retail locations insured its success.
By being proactive with strategies and solutions, Bailiwick successfully orchestrated the upgrade, delivering an outcome to the client that surpassed their original expectations.